Category: Uncategorized

The Expat Experience

Expats, immigrants, and migrants are all people that have left their homes for foreign shores in search of a better life. It is an intensified way of life, exciting at times, but fraught with challenges and hardships. I am the child of immigrants, and have been living as an expat for over a decade. I […]

Anger Is A Firewall To Feeling

Anger is a secondary emotion, that is, it is a feeling that is triggered by other primary emotions. The primary emotion could be fear, embarrassment, disappointment, or even sadness. But anger acts as a firewall, stopping all access to those primary emotions. Sometimes, this can be helpful. Anger is energizing. In an interpersonal conflict it […]

The Mind-Body Connection

Pepper Pavlish, ERYT 500 and best-selling author of MS Wellness Solutions interviews Maya Georg about the mind-body connection and the intersection of yoga and talk therapy. Pepper Pavlish has used her experience of managing her autoimmune symptoms naturally to inspire and teach others. She shares her wisdom and experience through online and in-person classes, as […]

The Problem With Passing

Humans tend to make snap judgements about other humans, categorizing them into neat groups. This predisposition to categorize means we often sympathize and identify with those that are most familiar—those that look most like us, or those that align with society’s perception of the ‘default human’. The ‘default human’ is crafted by media portrayals, and […]

Life Isn’t Fair

Life isn’t fair. We lose loved ones to illness and age, even as we suffer with our own aging and illnesses. Things, like people, become lost or broken in time. The nature of life is that it ends. Life isn’t fair, not when anyone is cheated, abused, or harmed by others. But in these instances […]

The Age of Narcissism

We are living in an age of narcissism. Nothing is more celebrated than the self. Lives are carefully curated into content – images, opinions, experiences – that are then idealized, digitized, publicized, and monetized. Narcissism is usually described as extreme selfishness and self absorption, with grandiose views of talents and accomplishments, and grandiose needs for attention […]