Tag: depression

3 Steps To A Gratitude Practice

A gratitude practice is a deliberate recognition and appreciation of the positive aspects of our lives. It can also change our mindset from one of scarcity, where we feel we are lacking, to one where we can appreciate where we are in life and what we have. As a practice it is transformative, capable of […]

Beating Blue Monday

Today is Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. It is a time when the twinkling lights of the holiday season have faded, and there are no more social events to look forward to. What’s worse is that we still have three more months of the lingering darkness of short days and gloomy […]

5 Steps To Handling The Holiday Blues

The holiday season is traditionally seen as a festive period, a time for gathering with friends and family to celebrate and spread cheer. Yet, for many, this season can be fraught with challenges and emotional trials. These difficulties stem from a variety of deeply personal reasons. Some individuals grapple with traumatic memories linked to the […]