Tag: happiness and wellbeing

5 Steps To Handling The Holiday Blues

The holiday season is traditionally seen as a festive period, a time for gathering with friends and family to celebrate and spread cheer. Yet, for many, this season can be fraught with challenges and emotional trials. These difficulties stem from a variety of deeply personal reasons. Some individuals grapple with traumatic memories linked to the […]

Attachment & Adult Relationships

Attachment theory is a very popular topic these days. I see many clients that come into therapy asking about their own attachment style and how it affects their relationships. Other clients come to therapy because they are struggling in their friendships and partnerships and want solutions to the barriers they have to intimacy. Attachment theory […]

Perfectionism & People Pleasing

Perfectionism and people-pleasing are treacherous traps, in which we place all of our self-worth into the hands of others. At their core, perfectionism and people-pleasing reflect a relentless drive to meet impossible standards and an unyielding desire to gain the approval of those around us. The root of these behaviors is a deep-seated need to […]

10 Steps to Setting Better Boundaries

Setting boundaries can be incredibly challenging especially when we engage in people pleasing. For many of us, it goes against our deep desire make people like us, while also not disappointing anyone by failing to meet their expectations. However, this can lead us to overcommit ourselves. Trying to make everyone happy, while our own needs […]

3 Steps To Change Your Mood

We all experience bad moods from time to time, enduring prolonged periods marred by feelings such as sadness or anger. Sometimes, these moods are a direct result of an unpleasant event, interaction, or experience. Other times, the cause is elusive, making it nearly impossible to pinpoint the source of these feelings. Often, these moods are […]